I'm not quite sure how I'm going to go about this quite yet, and I'm sure that I'm going to miss some things (there's a lot to cover.) I'm thinking that these are going to be roughly twice-a-week entries, and will be tagged with "My Epilepsy Story."
Throughout this journey, I would like you all to keep a few things in mind:
- A lot of these stories take place in a time before I can remember. I obviously can't remember things like the day I was born, and honestly can't remember much from my early childhood.
- When someone has a tonic-clonic seizure, which is the kind that I have, they are completely unconscious. Meaning that I do not know what happens during my seizures.
- Seizures cause issues with memory. Not only memory surrounding the event (immediately before and after the seizure are always blurry) but also general memory issues.
Because of these points, many of the stories are not my own memories, but stories and memories of my parents, siblings, friends, or others who were around. Honestly, anything prior to somewhere around the year 2000 is probably mostly from someone else, possibly with a few minor memories from my own head.
So keep all of that in mind when reading these stories - they are not entirely mine, and therefore may have been slightly altered over the years through multiple retellings. However, they will be as accurate as my mind allows.
I hope you all enjoy. The story will begin in my next post.
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