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Monday, September 2, 2013

Workout Plan

I'm about 10 lbs away from my current weight goal, so it's time to think about the second part of my fitness plan: bulking up.

I'm not done with the slimming down yet, especially since my initial goal was about 210, and my current goal is 200, but I think when I get down around 200 I'm going to want to lower it further. But still, I'm getting to the point where I need a plan for building muscle back up once I get to whatever my end goal may be.

This is not my first rodeo, I worked out constantly in high school. But unlike back then, I have knowledge about how much diet (and especially protein intake) effects your body's reaction to the workouts, I know a bit more about routines, and I'm just generally more ready to actually build some real muscle. However, I still don't really know how I want to do this.

I do know some things:
  • I want to do 5 days a week - Mon-Fri. 
  • I want to keep Tuesday and Thursday as purely cardio days. 
    • That will make sure that my cardio exercise doesn't fall by the wayside, and it will give me at least 1 day of rest between each muscle group.
  • I know how to split up my workout days by muscle group
    • Legs
    • Arms/shoulders
    • Chest/back/core
      • I don't do a whole lot of core exercise, but I figured I'd put it with chest/back
That leaves Mon/Wed/Fri as lifting days, since Tues/Thurs are cardio days. The problem I'm having is figuring out which muscle group to put on which day. Again, I know a few things about what I want, but I also have some lingering questions:
  • Arms cannot be immediately preceding chest/back
    • When I do arms before chest/back, the residual weakness/soreness in my arms affects the chest and back exercises.
  • Where do I put legs?
    • I know that legs take the longest to heal, because you are using them constantly to walk. Do I want to do Monday and be sore most of the week? Do Wednesday, and be relatively normal for the weekend? Or do Friday and be sore all weekend?
So here's a couple possible layouts:

Mon Wed Fri
Option 1 Legs Chest/back Arms
Option 2 Chest/back Legs Arms
Option 3 Arms Legs Chest/back
Option 4 Chest/back Arms Legs

Any valuable insight as to which one would be the best option and why?

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