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Sunday, July 14, 2013

The past year

I was thinking the other day that I've been through a lot in the past year or so...
Let's start last July 3rd 2012: 1st recognized partial seizure

As a result of that one event: a trip to the hospital, 3 blood draws over a matter of roughly 2 months - one of which was done wrong and left a bruise for over 2 weeks, not driving for 6 months, starting a new medicine, more trips to the neurologist in 1 year than most people will make in a lifetime, an MRI - with no useful information, at least a half dozen more partial seizures over the year, an EEG - with no useful information despite having a simple partial seizure during the test, an increase of the medicine that I switched to, and a lot of days being exhausted from either having a seizure or changing/increasing medication.

Also, I learned that my seizures occur in the left side of my brain, because they affect the right side of my body. Unfortunately, this doesn't tell me enough to stop them for good, but it's information that I didn't have before.

Not resulting from the seizure: I was laid off from my job and started a new one about a month later

But on the other hand: I have created some semi-successful Android apps, helped my sister move, helped a friend move, moved myself into a new apartment, started living alone for the first time ever, started a new diet and lost some weight, got back into the gym, setup my weight bench in my new apartment so that it's easier to work out at home, bar tended a wedding for a friend of mine, helped my mom demolish her basement...

And probably more important events that I'm forgetting in each of these lists, but you get the point.

As some of you may know, I am always setting goals for myself. I started doing this mostly during my time at RIT, and I found that it helped me keep myself organized and it helped me stay on track. So having said that...

Goals for next year:

  • Fitness
    • Get down to 200-210lbs
      • Lose enough to get rid of the "beer gut" entirely
      • This number may be lower, depending on how I look/feel at my initial goal weight
    • Start the "bulk-up" process of dieting and working out
      • It's almost impossible to lose weight and bulk up at the same time. They require different diets, different workout routines... a whole different lifestyle. So once I'm done losing the weight, I'm going to work on strength and strength endurance. (yes, strength and strength endurance are 2 different things.)
    • Re-join an all-star cheer team
      • Tryouts are usually in April/May area, so I need to be ready by Spring time
  • Job
    • I have some goals here that I don't really want to make public (some of which extend past the next year)
    • One long-term goal that I will announce is that I would like to further my Android development, and possibly form an official small business. Again, this is a long-term goal, and right now I have no target date set.
      • Eventually, I may start developing for other platforms as well, or have someone else translate my apps to other platforms.
  • Development
    • Finish building "Google Games" features into Tic-Tac-Toe for Android
      • Networked multi-player, achievements, etc.
    • Finish Euchre for Android, and get "Google Games" features into that
      • By "finish" I mean at least get a working game with some of the options found in the Windows version. Software is never finished.
    • Get a solid foundation on the app that my brother wants to create
      • Yes, another "secret". I do not want to give details about this app, but I/we will be working on something fairly big soon. It will probably be a while before it's available to the public.
    • Continue development on Auto Respond, and try to increase sales of the pro version
      • I've still got a list of features that I want to add
      • I think I can increase sales with some advertising. Might have to bring in some digital designers to do some of my graphics.
  • Life
    • I was hoping to get a town house this year. After being laid-off that was put on hold, so that will be one of next year's goals.
    • If some of my job goals can be reached I can start paying down my student loans a bit quicker, and that will help with everything
  • Epilepsy
    • Now that I'm back to what seems to be a controlled state, goal #1 is to stay seizure free as long as possible
    • If that fails goal #2 will be to gather as much information as possible, as always

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